Women First in Entrepreneurship
The Women First in Entrepreneurship project, launched in 2014 in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Lifelong Learning, Vodafone Turkey Foundation and Turkey Informatics Foundation, aimed to increase the economic and social efficiency of women. Participating women studying at public education centers and maturation institutes in different provinces were given training on entrepreneurship and information technologies, and the handicraft products of the women who received the training were presented and sold on the project website.. With the mobile application developed for the benefit of more women, entrepreneurship training was given for the first time through distance education. All of our women were given the opportunity to benefit from these trainings in 81 provinces, without time and place restrictions. Within the scope of the “Women First in Entrepreneurship” project, entrepreneurship and technology trainings have been given to more than 37 thousand women to date, while the total number of women reached through the project has reached approximately 54 thousand.
In the 3rd year of the project, the number of downloads of the Women First in Entrepreneurship mobile application, which was launched with the aim of increasing the technology usage penetration, reached approximately 30 thousand, while the number of women who completed their training through the application exceeded 10 thousand. Participants of the “Women First in Entrepreneurship” project can turn their handicrafts into profit by selling their products on the digital store oncekadin.gov.tr, which was created specifically for them. In the digital store, which has approximately 30 thousand members, more than 52 thousand advertisements in 15 categories have been posted and sales of more than 1 million TL have been made so far.
– 2019 Stevie Awards – Golden Stevie Award
– 2015 Golden Compass – Corporate Responsibility category award